Friday, 3 February 2012

LGBT History event at Sheffield Hallam University

So perhaps not so wisely, I have volunteered to talk about my research on Sheffield's LGBT history in front of an audience! Eek!

It is in my capacity as a member of the Sheffield Hallam University Staff Forum, and part of a joint event we are running for LGBT History month. Here are the details, I hope to see you there!

<ힴƊ>LGBT Histories: perspectives from Sheffield and further afield. Monday 20th February 2012
Cheryl Bailey (Sheffield Archives) and Friends of Edward Carpenter discusses the life and work of Edward Carpenter (1844-1929).
Sandra Baker (SHU) discusses her research on the history of Sheffield's LGBT Community.     

Marian Duggan (SHU) discusses her book ‘Queering Conflict: Examining Lesbian and Gay Experiences of Homophobia in Northern Ireland’


5.15pm arrival 5.45pm start 8pm end. To book a free place email

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

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